About Us


4 Suitcases and a Wheelchair 
We are the ‘4SandaW’ family. Thirty-somethings Mr and Mrs S, 6 year old Master S and 3 year old Miss S. Myself and Mr S both have a background in, and a passion for travel. Between us we have worked in high street travel agents, long-haul tailor-made specialists as well as, lived and worked in Australasia and the Middle East. We have been fortunate enough to travel to some amazing parts of the world together, and for work. Along with Master S we travelled in Asia and the States whilst living in the Middle East and stayed in some incredible places. Miss S was born whilst we were living in the Middle East. In fact, Little Miss S was so keen to not miss out on our last holiday as a family of 3, she arrived 12 weeks early, a few days prior to our departure. Her early arrival plus complications in her fragile first few weeks, resulted in Miss S being diagnosed with Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy at 11 months old.  

In spite of her daily challenges Miss S is a happy, feisty, determined, three and a half year old. She simply wants to do everything her doting older brother does and doesn’t let her disability get in her way. As a family we love exploring new places and embarking on new adventures. With Miss S’s spirit driving us, we want to continue doing exactly what we love, just the way we like doing it. This may present some challenges along the way with Miss S as a wheelchair user but, in doing so we will be highlighting the need for change as far as accessibility goes. We hope to raise awareness of where accessibility is falling short, and force change where it is needed to make everywhere accessible to everyone. We hope through our experiences to inspire and encourage others in a similar situation, to embark on their own adventures whether it be to a local attraction or a long haul flight away. 

Happy reading!


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